
24 January, 2009

Pisici - Cats

Imi plac pisicile. Si cainii. Dar mai mult pisicile. Parafrazandu-l pe celebrul comic american Eddie Griffin, nu prea ma impac cu spiritul pupincurist al cainilor, reactiile exacerbate si flatulatii necontrolate. Pisicile sunt mai independente asa cum... as vrea sa fiu si eu. Aceasta postare este dedicata pisicilor. Enjoy!
I love cats! And dogs! But mostly cats! As the great American actor and comedian Eddie Griffin had once said and I subscribe to that, I don’t really buy the over-excited behavior of dogs, the ass-licking friendship and uncontrolled farting problems! The cats are more independent… like the way I want to be! This post is dedicated to the cats! Enjoy!


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Fotografia / Photography

Imi place sa fotografiez. Din pacate fac ce pot cand pot. In cele ce urmeaza am sa va prezint cateva mostre din portofoliul meu.
I like photography! Unfortunately, I'm doing that when I can. In the next post I'll show you some of my "work".




Silance of the storm.




Pass the salt, please!


Home alone.

Near miss.



Well, yes!


Clouds are my mountains!

Any guess?

... take me home!

Connecting People?

Pe curand! / See you soon!

About me...

My photo
It's not that I'm here: It's that I'm not there! SEN.

Look who's talking...

Sneak peak...

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