
22 January, 2009

Despre mine... About me.

NIKOL este numele meu artistic. Asta in idea ca, daca reusesc sa trezesc latura artistica din mine si ma va intreba cine sunt, sa stiu ce sa-i spun. Nu este un nume original, poate ar trebui sa-l schimb in altceva. Voi studia chestiunea mai profund, pe masura ce invat sa merg copacel.
M-am nascut intr-un oras de munte, din judetul Neamt. Aici....

Nikol is my pseudo name, the “artistic one. Given that my artistic skills will emerge and I will become somebody! It is not an original one but, since all the good ones were already taken, I will nourish and watch it grow as we go.
I was born in a small mountain city from the Neamt county, here

Piatra Neamt. Oras inconjurat de munti, dealuri, rauri lin curgatoare si peisaje care te lasa mut de admiratie. Asta daca stii unde sa te uiti. Acum exista si telegondola, care te poarta din centrul orasului pana sus pe muntele Cozla, unde poti face o cura de aer curat, skia (iarna), bea bere si manca mici printre zecile de gratare ingramadite ad-hoc.

Piatra Neamt City. A place surrounded by mountains, hills, rivers flowing smoothly and landscapes that makes for the silent admiration. Given that if you know where to look. Now, there is the skylift, who bears you up from downtown to Mount Cozla top, where you can make a cure for clean air, skiing (winter season), drinking beer and eating "mititei" from tens of grilled barbecue places.

Spre vest cum te uiti vezi in zilele senine semetul munte Ceahlau.

Looking west in sunny days you can see the lofty mountain Ceahlau!

Spre est nu prea mai ai ce vedea ca poluarea-i la ea acasa. Orasul e curat totusi si destul de dragut pentru o plimbare. A doua zi plecati catre Bicaz altfel riscati sa va plictisiti.
Asa cum poate stiti deja masina mi-a fost lovita dar in zilele ei bune arata asa:

East is not what you see on every day, as pollution makes it's home. The town is clean though and quite nice for a walk. The next day you better go to Bicaz City otherwise you would risk boredom. As you may already know, my car got a smack in the face; but in the good days it looks like this:

Stati asa ca s-a strecurat o greseala, asta nu e masina mea (I wish!): asta e a vecinei, si ea si pisica! Urmatoarea e a mea.

Wait a minute, I slipped a mistake, that's not my car (I wish!). That my girl next door neighbors, and her cat! Next is mine.

Numai ca acum e lovita in buza si e in perfuzii la service; poate-i fac si cateva injectii cu botox sa o intineresc. Vedeti postarile mele mai vechi pentru a vedea progresul asupra reparatiilor.
Am plecat din casa parinteasca, la fel ca si ceilalti frati ai mei, lasandu-mi singuri parintii cu necazurile lor. Ma mai duc pe la ei cand si cand, nu atat de des pe cat o cere codul bunelor maniere. Ceilalti frati ai mei sunt imprastiati prin Bucuresti de nu se mai regasesc nici ei. Au familiile lor si casele lor si masinile lor; de servici. Norocosii! Toti sunt pasionati de fotografie. Iar din toti eu am cea mai nashpa camera foto, un Canon PowerShot S5IS. Dar, salivati aici, strang bani pentru un Nikon D90 + lens. :)

But now I have her in service for the repairs (read my older posts to see the progress on repairs). I left the parents house, like my other brothers, leaving the parents alone with of their troubles. I still go to see them now and then, not so often as I should. The rest of my brothers are scattered through the Bucharest, no longer finding themselves. They have their families and their homes and their cars. Lucky them! Everyone is passionate photographer. And of all I have the shitiest camera, an Canon PowerShot S5IS. But drool overhere, I collect money for a Nikon D90 + lens. :)

Va urma!
Am parasit - deci - casa parinteasca si valurile vietii m-au purtat departe, la propriu. Absolvind universitatea maritima nu imi mai ramanea de facut decat sa ma las purtat de valurile oceanelor.
I left - so - my parents house and sail the waves of life. Maritime university graduate, all I got left to do was to get carried by the ocean waves.

Si au trecut ani... Si am ajuns acum, aici....

And years have passed away ... And here I am now...

Cam atat.

That will be all.

The End (?)

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It's not that I'm here: It's that I'm not there! SEN.

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